
Recent Publications
- "Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposited silicon carbide as
an implantable dielectric coating," J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 67,
856-67 (2003).
- "A model for intracortical visual prosthesis research,"
Artif. Organs 27, 1005-15 (2003).
- "Charge-injection waveforms for iridium oxide (AIROF) microelectrodes,"
25th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Cancun Mexico Sept 2003.
- "Characterization and variability of intracortical iridium oxide
microelectrodes," 25th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference,
Cancun Mexico Sept 2003.
- "Microelectrode coatings for neural stimulation and recording,"
25th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Cancun Mexico Sept 2003.
- "Stability of Electro-active Materials and Coatings for Charge-Injection
Electrodes," 2nd Joint Conference of the BMES-EMBS, Houston TX
Oct 2002.
- "Multichannel cortical stimulation for restoration of vision,'
2nd Joint Conference of the BMES-EMBS, Houston TX Oct 2002.
- "Electrodeposited Iridium Oxide for Neural Stimulation and Recording
Electrodes", IEEE Trans. Neural Sys. and Rehab. Eng., 9, 2 vol
9, 1-10, (2001).
- "Thin-film peripheral nerve electrodes," Rehab. R&D
Progress Rep., 33:83-84, (1995).
- "Evaluation of a Thin-Film Peripheral Nerve Cuff Electrode,"
J. Amer. Para. Soc., 18, 27 (1995).
- "Comparison of 316LVM and MP35N Alloys as Charge Injection Electrodes,"
J. Biomed. Mat. Res. 28, 233 (1994).
- "Evaluation of Direct Bladder Stimulation with Stainless Steel
Woven Eye Electrodes," J. of Urology, 150, 1990 (1993).
- "Performance of Electrodeposited Iridium Oxide Film (EIROF) and
Activated Iridium Oxide Film (AIROF) for Functional Electrical Stimulation
and Neural Recording," 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society,
Phoenix, AZ, October 2000.
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